Holy Cross Basketball in… Belfast!

This past weekend, the Holy Cross basketball team had a tournament in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Although I’m still not sure why HC and three other American colleges traveled there for a weekend, I won’t question it because it gave myself and many other students studying abroad the perfect excuse to make the trip to Ireland!

I spent Thursday traveling to Dublin, where I then reunited with some of my best friends from school who are studying at Trinity College in Dublin, and in Strasbourg, France. We toured around the city before heading to a pub, upon which approximately 40 Holy Cross descended for a fun and festive night out.

The following day, we all took a party bus together to Belfast for the game, and it was quite the time. In a lot of ways, the weekend felt almost like being back at school, as I kept running into people I knew, and of course, attended the basketball game. Unfortunately, the Crusaders didn’t win their games, but it was still incredibly fun.

Other than attending the basketball game and enjoying the merriment of being with so many friends, I took a Black Cab Tour through Belfast and learned about the conflicts in Northern Ireland over the 1900s. I also had the time to go the the Titanic Museum, which is situated on the port where the Titanic was built.

There’s only a few more weekends of the semester, so I am very excited to take advantage of the time I have left here in Palma!

Hasta la próxima,

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